Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Tales of Greek Heroes

Tales of Greek Heroes
Genre- Collection of short stories
Thursday 10th Febuary
Josh Clifton

Tales of Greek Heroes is a book full of stories about greek heroes such as Perseus, Heracles, Dionysus, and many more. It tells the story of how they became heroes, as in Perseus slaying the three Gorgons, and Heracles completing the twelve labours. I found this book interestimg at the start, but it got a bit boring as it had 263 pages worth of greek myths. I give this book a 6\10.
By Roger Lancelyn Green; Introduced by Rick Riordan
By Josh.


  1. Probably a book that you need to take a bit of time to read and think about each story for a while. Who was your favourite hero?

  2. My favourite hero was Perseus because he proved to the king that he is worthy of slaying Medusa. He was a bit selfish though, but most of the heroes were selfish.
